Getting Started

Downloading 3DTK
There are two ways of getting the source code.
• Download one of the packed release archives here.
• Get it through the svn repository below(recommended).

svn checkout svn:

Compiling 3DTK

The 3DTK project makes use of cmake.

To compile the project, simply call:


This will configure slam6d using the default settings.

If you wish to configure the project using custom settings do:

make config

This command requires ccmake be installed on your system.

Alternatively you may change into the build directory .build
and configure the project with your preferred cmake configurator i.e.

cd .build && cmake -i ../

Some boost libraries (graph, regex, serialization) are needed to compile the slam6D program.
If you are using Debian just do:

aptitude install libboost-graph-dev libboost-regex-dev libbost-serialization-dev freeglut3-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev

or, if you are still using Debian stable (lenny):

aptitude install libboost-graph1.35-dev libboost-regex1.35-dev libboost-serialization1.35-dev freeglut3-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev

For Ubuntu this would be:

sudo aptitude install libboost-graph-dev libboost-regex-dev libbost-serialization-dev freeglut3-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev

SuSE users please use yast2 for installing the missing packages

Use the cmake-gui application provided by cmake to configure and generate project files
for the appropriate version of Microsoft Visual Studio C++ of your system.

Use the INSTALL target to build the entire project.

Executables (and .dll's) will then reside in the "windows" folder.

For running the binaries you need to install the proper redistributable package.

Some boost libraries (graph, regex, serialization) are needed to compile the slam6D program.

Informatics VII - Robotics and Telematics, Prof. Dr Andreas Nüchter, andreas (at), Tel. +49-177-7951270