
The 3D Toolkit provides algorithms and methods to process 3D point clouds. It includes automatic high-accurate registration (6D simultaneous localization and mapping, 6D SLAM) and other tools, e.g., a fast 3D viewer, plane extraction software, etc.

Getting Started

Components and HowTos

All executables can be compiled and used with Linux, Windows and Mac OS. The current status of the project can be found here.

Below is a list of the components of 3DTK:

Slam6d: This component is for registration of the scans.

Show: This component is for visualisation.

Shapes: This component contains shape detection algorithms.

Scanner: This component calculates a 3D point cloud from a video where a laser line is moving over an object.

Click here for a description of the different file formats of 3DTK.

Related Publications


Informatics VII - Robotics and Telematics, Prof. Dr Andreas Nüchter, andreas (at), Tel. +49-177-7951270